Wendy is one of our lovely Case Managers who never fails to brighten her clients and colleagues day. She's always walking around with a smile on her face.
Read on to get to know Wendy a little better.

What is your position at RangeCare?
Case Manager
What does this involve?
Working together with clients to ensure their services meet their needs to remain living independently in their own home.
How long have you worked with RangeCare?
2.5 years
How would you describe RangeCare?
Trusted, caring and supportive service provider. RangeCare support workers have a real passion for their work.
What’s the most inspiring part of your role?
Supporting our clients by providing the required support/services and assistance to live their best life in their own home.
What is your favourite memory from work?
Witnessing a client totally engrossed watching a movie while laughing hysterically and eating popcorn at movie day at the Nambour Day Centre.
What was your first job?
Retail Assistant in Fashion.
What’s a fun fact most people don’t know about you?
I’m an avid Brisbane Lions AFL supporter. GO LIONS !!!!
Do you have any pets?
Many native birds enjoy our birdbath daily, and is regularly visited by a water monitor lizard too, lots of fish in a big pond and lots of very noisy tiny green frogs.