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Be Prepared for Summer

Updated: Dec 4, 2023

It has been predicted that we will experience an El Nino event this summer. This will likely cause above average temperatures, below average rainfall, and a high risk of bushfire. We take the safety of our clients seriously and because of this, we want to support you through this unpredictable season.

To prepare for the potential impacts of El Nino on Australia, it’s important to act now. Consider creating emergency kits, developing evacuation plans, and improving the resilience of your home to extreme weather events. Don’t wait until it’s too late!

Here are some tips to help you prepare:

  • Stay informed: Keep an eye on weather forecasts and warnings and stay up to date on the latest news and information from trusted sources.

  • Plan: Make sure you have a plan in place for what to do in case of an emergency, such as a flood or bushfire.

  • Stock up on supplies: Make sure you have enough food, water, and other essential supplies to last for at least a few days in case of an emergency.

  • Secure your property: Clear gutters and drains, trim trees and branches, and secure loose items around your property to prevent damage from strong winds and heavy rain.

Remember when it is hot:

  • Keep your house cool,

  • Drink sufficient water,

  • Wear loose fitting clothes, and

  • Take cool showers regularly.

El Nino can have a wide range of impacts, depending on factors such as location, timing, and intensity. By taking proactive steps now, you can help minimize the potential impact on your life.

RangeCare can support you in a number of ways, such as:

  • Arranging home maintenance to clear your gutters and trim your trees.

  • IT support so you can receive updates and warnings on your phone or computer.

  • Taking you shopping to buy essential supplies.

  • Supporting you to book a Safehome visit with Queensland Fire and Emergency Services to help you identify fire and safety hazards around your home.

  • Supporting you to secure a water delivery.

If you need any support please reach out to us on 5445 7044.

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